The Union County Shrine Club has a Tin Lizzy Patrol that you will see at many local parades. While we started with Model T replicas, the Patrol has grown and added new machines to the lineup. We still have the Model T’s, but we also have gas powered drift trikes, a battery powered trike, and a mini-semi. Get out and see us! Parading is a way for us to have fun, but more importantly advertise about the Shrine and it’s network of hospitals helping children with burns, cleft palate, and orthopedic issues for over 100 years.
Once a year, the Shrine Club takes to the streets to solicit donations from the community to help fund our hospital system. When you see us out, know that every dollar we collect for Tabloid day goes to the Shriners Hospital Systems.
The Union County Shrine Club gives back to the community wherever we can. Here we are setting up to help with refreshments at the Miracle League Field in Dublin along with the Marysville Masonic Lodge (Palestine 158). The Miracle League field was formed in 2005 to serve children with mental and physical challenges.